7 ways to Mind your own Damn Business
Yep, I bet you do the majority of the mental and physical labour in your household because you are single or in a partnership, household with other people and/or children. But my friend, just because you can do it all, does not mean that you should.
Keep an eye on this Pest
It does pay to keep an eye on the pest so you can react to changes that may affect your clients which in turn, may affect you and your business.
Fried, Ashy, Tired, Burnt.out
Been a hot minute right? Or rather, a few months. What can I say, burnout, tired, fried, ashy, I could use so many adjectives but these do it. After so many years of work, work,work, trying to do this that and the other, listening to the wrong messaging, gurl, I needed a break. I was always going to take a long one because the beginning of the year is always quiet for me but I decided to take April too
You can be that Bitch
You, yes you can be that bitch…the one that’s in control, running their business not allow their business to run them.