Fried, Ashy, Tired, Burnt.out
Been a hot minute right? Or rather, a few months.
What can I say, burnout, tired, fried, ashy, I could use so many adjectives but these do it. After so many years of work, work,work, trying to do this that and the other, listening to the wrong messaging, gurl, I needed a break. I was always going to take a long one because the beginning of the year is always quiet for me but I decided to take April too.
I spent Xmas & New year in The Gambia and, also managed to do something big about our future.
I've been doing things offline, spending time with good people, working on my business model now that I know what I want to focus on.
It's funny how I've come full circle to my initial idea when I started this, albeit with some amendments.
There are many strings to my bow so I've never played just one tune. For the majority of my life, I haven't had a choice for a multitude of reasons so I'm fully embracing the multi-hyphen that is me.
Shiny hat syndrome can be a thing when I try to do it all at once. Learning to focus on one thing at a time has been the key for me.
It does mean things will take longer to materialise but that's better than never getting off the ground at all...which has happened to so many of my ideas.
But when certain ones keep coming back to mind, that tells me it's worth further investigation.
So that's where I'm at. Working on some passive income streams. I plan on having three up and running in the next twelve months.
Three seems like a lot perhaps but when you work part-time and do not have a ton of savings to work on, lemme tell you, this cost of living bullshit is showing me how close to financial poverty I actually am and I don’t like it so I’m doing something about it. It’s one of the reason i’ve banged on about passive income streams. As women especially, we have so many strings to our bow as we are conditioned to do so many goddamn things, I don’t believe for a minute that there’s isn’t one thing in that noodle of yours, that could be turned into something that could earn you a little money on the side.
I’ll let you know how I’m getting on don’t you worry, as I want to encourage you to think about your possibilities too.
Be taking care out there and I’ll be seeing you around the internet…somewhere