7 ways to Mind your own Damn Business

Image of woman behind a glass wall sitting at a desk. she has long brown hair and is wearing glasses and a grey jumper. she is working with a laptop and a notebook.

  1. Take care of what you own.

    Look after your own corner of the internet like you keep that room in your house nice for when people rudely turn up expecting you to serve. People don’t get lucky in business ( no matter how they seem to portray it) They have just readied them and their business for any opportunity that comes their way. Is your website up to date? what’s your SEO looking like, have you made good use of keywords? Are you telling people what you are selling with calls to action? are your links working?

  2. Stress.

    You can’t get rid of it but you can make sure it doesn’t outstay it’s visit when it pops up. acknowledge that it’s here and why. When you do that, you lessen it’s power to control the harmful narratives that resurfaces in your brain. Then think about what, how and perhaps who, can help you overcome what’s bugging you so that you can get on with this thing called life.

  3. Fire your superwoman.

    Yep, I bet you do the majority of the mental and physical labour in your household because you are single or in a partnership, household with other people and/or children. My friend, just because you can do it all, does not mean that you should. Now, if you are a bit of perfectionist, this is going to be a hard one because, all those peeps that are used to you doing all the things, are going to weaponise their incompetence and you’ll huff and puff, eventually doing it yourself. DON’T DO IT. You’ll have to let it go, allow them to see what a piss poor job of it they’ve made and hopefully, they will try to do a better job….you have my permission to cuss them out.

  4. Respect your boundaries.

    If you don’t then you’re kinda giving people permission not to either. As much as it pains me to say it, we do teach people how to treat us. So teach them. You have boundaries for a reason and you are worth the effort required to respect your wishes.

  5. Find your communities.

    You have your go-to people for certain things right? friends, family? The one you always have bants with. The one with fabulous ears who makes you feel seen and vice versa. Your business needs some of that too. Perhaps you are a sole trader but your business doesn’t work with just you. Who supplies your materials, who delivers your finished pieces, who provides platforms like shows, exhibitions and podcast guest slots where you can share what you do? You get the picture. It’s a small world and we can be connected positively if you open yourself to other like-minded people who ‘get it’ Those trying to build businesses to their definition of success. Sometimes these communities are paid, some are free but the payoff? Can be priceless so, spend some time finding yours and when you do, be part of it.

  6. Learn when it’s time.

    To start the damn thing or perhaps it’s time to end something.

    A relationship, collaboration, business connection or service. or perhaps even, your business. I could have ended my business a good three years beforehand but, I had invested in a business course and ‘should-ed’ myself into carrying on. I know some people who closed their businesses because they had become toxic to them, the way they feel about themselvesPerhaps there is someone in your life that although you love dearly, is actually toxic. If you really cannot cut them out your life then perhaps you can say no to how much time they get with you. Especially if they refuse to make the effort to change/meet you in the middle.

  7. State your needs

    This one almost encompasses all of the above. Although we do thrive in community, humans are incredibly self-absorbed and we really cannot read minds. Body language, tone of voice and facial expressions can provide hints, people can still have their heads up their own arses so, my friend, you’ve gotta tell them. State your needs…side note, don’t go sticking your head up your backside either, valued relationships need effort and care from both sides. But we entering you right now sis because you’ve been too quiet on yourself. You could be pleasantly surprised by how many want to support you.


There’s more than one way to make Lemonade


It’s harder build a better table if you’re Broke.