Community Cultivates Connection


Having a good start to my day during the shit storm of 2020 made a huge difference.

Especially when you find great people to connect with who are also striving to do more for themselves and others. 

I joined a membership in 2019 that started a Wide Awake Club 3 times a week and it has been brilliant. The membership has now closed but the group has decided to keep the club going which I am so happy about beciause it would have been a real shame to lose the connections made.

You maybe the only one in the room doing the work but, your business needs other people coming in so that you can achieve your goals.

From suppliers to deliveries, the platforms from which you operate and of course, your Community. This is a combination of Clients and your Cheerleaders.

Willpower and Motivation are not infinite, I have learnt the hard way that believing the stereotype of being a ‘strong black woman’ is a fallacy designed to keep us small and drained of the power within us to be the impactful being we can truly be.

Finding a community that can support your needs and enable you to feel safe to show up authentically is vital for a solopreneur in my opinion.

But another group of people that can support you and your business is Community.

It can take a variety of forms;Therapy, a Membership, Social Group, a official industry organisation or, working with a Coach or Mentor.

Whilst I had my millinery business, I was convinced that i had to know how to do it and, to actually do it all too. I was not working smart at.all.

I did not have the support I needed made things much harder.

Knowing what I know now, I knew at the beginning of last year that i wanted to find my community. I wanted diversity, cameraderie and real talk. There are a few business women that I follow that I was considering joining but there was always something niggling me to stop me signing the dotted line.

The George Floyd was murdered by Police in America. I mention this because his murder sadly, helped me finally find my community when the Owner of Hello Seven, Rachel Rodgers made an emotional video that went viral in the media.

I did some research on her following this and I knew I had found my people. I know that sounds corny as hell but, I truly did; a mix of women, non-binaries, LGTBQIA people and successful black & brown people sharing their successes unapologetically.

It is a considerable monthly outgoing but I knew it was what I needed and signed up. Within a matter of weeks I was already benefitting.

The security of knowing, that you have people in your corner albeit online can make a huge difference to your wellbeing and I implore you to find the community that works for you, in whatever form that is best for you. 

I am going as far to demand you start looking, especially if you are alone offline because, it is so hard to keep motivated on your own.

Do your due diligence and research. Google can be your friend. 

Do they have a podcast? Published a book? Do they have free resources you can access to get a feel of how they show up? Engage with them on social media, ask questions so you can start painting a picture of who they are so that you, can determine whether what they offer connects to what you want and need in a community. 

Those who believe wholeheartedly in their mission & core values will welcome the questions and answer with aplomb and not a cliched sales pitch.

Be taking care so, you can take care of your business.


Disappointment can mess with you or make you. Decide.


Be the only One on the Path