Dump your Superwoman
This is your PSA. There is one toxic relationship that you have to end today. Superwoman has to go. She has worked for you a long time but her role is redundant.
A hero you no longer need. Thing is, Superwoman was never the hero, she was the villain and her masters are white supremacy & capitalism. Actually, you never needed her. You could always find the hero every time you looked in the mirror. What you needed was the system to recognise it had to change.
But no. what they did was create a marketing spin that us women could have it all ,to disguise the fact that they were not interested in doing fuck all to improve toxic work cultures and sexist societal values to make life better for everyone.
So superwoman flies in and keeps you going. She tells you you’re a strong black woman. A Mompreneur, Girl Boss, a Hustler in Heels, an Independent woman or, you’re white enough for your privilege to work for you and you wore the badge with honour.
But, you feel like shit because you are not getting all done. The to-do list keeps growing, you need to rest but you feel guilty for doing what you love and not necessarily earning the money you need to do it. Then there’s the guilt at missing yet another pocket of time with your loved ones, fracturing the relationships you savour.
She keeps your energy up as you finish one.more.thing before, you have another regular bout of burnout.
Superwoman then sweeps in again and digs deep within to find that bit of energy for you to get up and do it all over again, only to burnout….again.
You started your creative business for a reason.
Your loved ones
To earn from doing something you’re good at.
To work on your terms
To live the life you wish to lead.
For the future you would like to have.
Superwoman will stand in your way if you do not fire her ass.
You can start by reducing the comparison to others down to just a glance. Comparison never truly goes away I do not care what anyone says but you can sure as shit reduce its power over you.
Embrace and respect the way in which you live and work. The obligations you wish to keep, the connections you wish to maintain for the business you want to run and not one that you need superwoman to come in and rescue you from.
If you are struggling, asking for help is one of the most powerful things you can do, It’s a superpower believe that. It could be time to look outside for the support you need: Therapy, Counselling, Mentor, Business Coach, Community, Courses, Books and/or Podcasts. Personal or professional development that will enable you to get to where you want to go.
But not Superwoman. That was a role you played because you’ve been conditioned to believe you are not enough as you are. Creative, Talented, Vulnerable and Powerful are just some of your qualities, you don’t have superfy yourself.
So fire her today and be who you were always meant to be.