Your Price is your Price

It is time to sort your pricing out? You are scared you may alienate people But, you know in your heart, you cannot run things like this anymore. The shitshow out there hurting us all, has had a loud voice for far too fucking long. All of us succeeding on our terms and using our voices can create impact.

‘I am worried I will price myself out and lose customers’ You know what? It’s true. There is a probability of this happening.

But do you know what else is probable? That you will attract customers who are willing to pay your price because ,you and your work have communicated the value and benefit of purchasing your work and/or working with you.

We all have our personal ceilings to which our spend and value will stop. Your role is to niche down your customers to the ones whose ceiling aligns with your prices.

Rich or poor there are plenty of customers who will happily pay as little as possible if they can get away with it. You are not pricing for them. You are pricing for you.

Uncomfortable with that? Why?

Do you not deserve to be able to cover your costs and have a relatively healthy & secure lifestyle? Okay then, keep undercharging and see what happens to your wellbeing and your business.

Time to change your narrative my friend. You deserve to reward your hard work with the life you want. This is what I want to help you do and revitalise the way you run your creative business.


We Must Amplify


People are Moving Mad