You can be that Bitch
‘Bitch stands for Bitch in total control honey’ _Jane Eliot, anti-racist activist
I have no problem with being called a bitch. regardless of who is calling me one, it’s a complement. Bitch is a badge I’m happy to wear with pride. Many a time it’s actually been a term of endearment from my friends and family. Why? Because one of the things that people like about me is that I don’t take a lot of shit. Family, is one thing but outside? Oh no no no. I got enough going on therefore I will not accept BS from people who don’t matter to me.
But this post is not about the word itself but, the acronym, bitch in total control honey.
Small business owners like you, tend to be the only one in the room, wearing all the hats as you try to juggle all the things your business needs.
It is a lot and more often than not, you just can’t get it all done. Life is lif-ing, something annoyingly unexpected comes up yada yada…you know what I mean.
So how can you get in front?
For a start there is a level of expectation and perfectionism that needs to get in the fucking bin. That you should be on top of everything as you decided to start this biz journey.
You started it because you want something different for you right? That won’t happen if you allow yourself to be bogged down by the smaller things that in the grand scheme of things don’t matter so much.
I discovered something called the Eisenhower mix. You make a list of all that you need to get done that week, personally I list everything personal & business. Then on the opposite page i’d make a table with four big blocks and a fifth smaller one;
Important but not urgent
Can someone/thing else do this
Don’t fucking touch these
What’s the one thing I can get done this week that will make a difference.
Under these, I place all the list in their sections for that week. Once i’ve done that, I don’t look at anything i’ve listed under no. 3 & 4 until i’ve crossed of everything under 1,2 & 5 Only after these, I may look at 3 & 4. As you tick more things off, your priorities will shift around for the following week. By taking the pressure off yourself to do the impossible, you give yourself space to focus on what actually matter that particular week.
These three words need to be front and centre if this is going to work for you;
Boundaries. They need to be maintained so you are not lead away from what you need to do, and where you need to be.
Priorities. Be clear on what they are, what happens when you focus on these?
Needs. You have to state them, people are not mind readers
If this becomes a habit for you, it is certainly one way you can be that bitch. You give yourself space to choose what is best for you, running your life and business instead of them running you. You are not the employee here, you are the creator, the one who started this.
I do encourage you to have a go, I’ve found it so useful for me, I notice the loss of focus when I go off the boil with my planning. Let me know how you get on.