Katty Janneh

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Mind your Business

“Confidence is not ‘they will like me’ Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t”

_Christina Grimmie

Do you know how long I’ve had this idea for Realness in Business? Well when i started to plant the seeds?

4 years ago. Yup FOUR.

Although I have always given advice unofficially and also done some mentoring, it was the beginning of a career change ad I was nervous AF about it.

Imposter syndrome came for a long ass stay, getting right up in my feelings.

I have been posting online for sometime now but I suppressed myself. I figured that if I concentrated on trying to create value, people would see past what I convinced myself were flaws. Tone policing myself so that I am not tagged with the insultingly lazy stereotypes; Angry Black Woman, Aggressive, Scary, Too Much.

I hadn’t had success that I had aspired to. I’m not a certified coach. I don’t earn 6-figures, you get my drift.

It’s been a couple of years now and I have still been suppressing myself . My resistance to change is actually on ridiculous levels. I am not taking the full credit though, It has come from being conditioned to think certain things about myself.

When deciding what to post the other day, I found this quote and that’s when the dots reconnected.

That what I am trying to do is fucking pointless. Because literally from birth, I have never, ever been for everyone and never will be.

Whether from Racism, Sexism, not bending to Family ‘values’ Speaking my mind, calling out shit and educating myself.

Why in the fuckery have I been trying to be otherwise? The business is your baby, you want things to be ‘just so’ You want people to see what you see.

On my personal Facebook page, I will often have a rant about something or the other. I can find something to rage about quite regularly in a way that can be humorous. I decided to post one on my IG Business page marking the time to show up as me. Because in the membership she is what you will see and hear. I swear loads, I can get pissy on certain issues and do love a good rant…followed by cake.

I had loads of engagement from it. The most ever on my Stories feed. It actually felt really good.

If it turns people off then it is better it happens now. If that stops people from seeing what I can do, then so be it.

We are not monoliths, we have range and motion and they create all kinds of reactions from ourselves.

If this is what you are struggling with, I encourage you to let go of the perfectionism. Your ideal client will relate to you being you. They don’t want a front, they want connections in what is now a very virtual world.