Katty Janneh

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Don’t forget about you

You know, Social media can be a bane of life, but more times than not, it has been blessing because of the amazing people I have discovered and the connections I have made.

Sasha is the creator of Frank and Feel and she hosts lovely journaling workshops. She post this powerful post on her instagram yesterday which made me go OOf!

Because I never, include myself when I share resources of wisdom for myself, I reach outwards to those who influence me.

Perhaps this is why so many of us, especially women, have a hard time believing ourselves?

That we allow the voices of others to silence ours when we bring so much to the table of others.

We really have to stop doing this shit!

One thing we can do to start is, reconnect to ourselves. Our gut instinct is our natural defence mechanism. Sometimes we lose that because the voices of others overpower us.

Another thing we can do are daily affirmations for where we are now.

I have some lovely cards from Nicola Rae-Wickham and I also created my own and I use them everyday.

What do you do to centre yourself and remind yourself of the gifts you bring to the table??

I am interested to see what comes up from you!