Katty Janneh

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“Don’t be afraid of the Solitude that comes from raising your Standards”

Most of us do not come from an apple pie, all sweetness kinda life. We have had experienced a multitude of issues that may have been carried with us into adulthood. You may have found people you connect with, people that you love but when it comes to your business, they just do not understand.

Or, even worse, because they believe they know you, they will try and ‘advise’ you on your business when they have no idea of what it takes to start one. From the words of Brene Brown: “If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback”

Sometimes this can happen with our friends, you know the ones you have known since you were knee high or, one of your jobs where you really connected with a colleague. You commit to working on yourself, discovering your strengths but, some of those closest to you don’t get it. No longer understand you. Then start projecting negative things about what you are doing which, isn’t actually about you btw, it is about whatever is going on in their heads.

Sometimes it is worth a conversation, talk it out so your relationship can continue with new boundaries in place. But sometimes, it might come to the point where it is time to let go. You have outgrown each other. The judgements, toxic comments and let downs become too much and the time comes to go on a different path.

Being dutiful to someone who no longer is on the same page as you is a low self-esteem move. Why hold onto someone who is no longer rooting for you? That is not respecting your own boundaries right there!

Become your biggest cheerleader. By starting this business you have bet on yourself so root for yourself too! For many of us, we are the only ones in the room believing in us but do not take this as a negative.

Reframe it an elevation of your standards. Knowing that you deserve better and you are keeping that promise to yourself. If that means being the only one in the room then embrace it and enjoy it.

Your community your cheerleaders are out there and I promise that as you work on your business and start building your connections, you will find them.

But you have gotta keep going! You are worth the effort.